Madeline Polhill, a seventh-grade student at Bloomsburg Middle School, won a writing contest sponsored by Scholastic Scope Magazine and had her first line selected as
Category: News

Fast cars, limited crosswalks, and no crossing guards. To many these seem like the situations that occur on busy urban streets, but for many students

Last night, among a group of forty-five to fifty family members, friends, and supporters, Bloomsburg Mayor Dan Knorr announced his intent to stand for election

The Pine Barn Inn has always been known in our area for its rustic feel, delicious food, and excellent service. This holiday season the Inn

The Bloomsburg Town Council will hold a meeting tonight at 7PM in the Town Hall’s Council Chambers. Follow along with TBD’s Live Blog for up-to-the-minute reporting.

The U.S. Department of Education named 304 schools, one of them Bloomsburg Memorial Elementary, as 2011 National Blue Ribbon Schools.

We recently had a chance to talk with Judy Yupcavage, the Communications Director for the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence. We talked about the challenges

Given recent events at Penn State, we felt it might be helpful to talk with Bloomsburg University officials to discuss the policies and procedures related

Stony Brook Circle has been busy getting ready for FEMA trailers to arrive. Two trailers have already been placed on empty lots between other homes