Shakespeare’s As You Like It is a beguiling comedy in which a smart and spirited young girl, disguised as a boy and on the run
Category: Events

On Friday and Saturday, August 3 and 4, the Noh Training Project (NTP), an international program hosted by BTE and Bloomsburg University, will perform the

At the dawn of the age of electricity, Dr. Givings performs some experimental treatments. Dr. Givings’ wife, Catherine, will soon discover the “shocking” side-effects of her husband’s revolutionary gadget.

G. C. Hartman Elementary School, a part of the Southern Columbia School District, held its first Hartman Hustle today. Students from kindergarten through fourth grade

Women in Kenya face the everyday daunting task of collecting water for their families. BU students Chelsea Walters and Robert Kernaghan highlight a special program that shares in a little way this unique challenge.

Premiering on Thursday, April 26, at 8:00 p.m. in Carver Hall, students of the Telecommunications Department at Bloomsburg University directed this series of short films about love, lust, and relationships on a college campus.

The Susquehanna University Medical Humanities Initiative will sponsor a book talk by historian Karol K. Weaver.

Enter Box of Light’s first ever Lego Competition!

The Renaissance Jamboree, Bloomsburg’s annual one-day street fair celebrates its 34th year this month. On Saturday April 28th the festival will stretch for 8 blocks