The passing of Michael Arcus prompted me to reflect a bit on what they and the store means to us.
Author: Cole Camplese

The Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble (BTE) recently had their National Endowment for the Arts funding cut leaving the Bloomsburg gem in dire financial shape. For the

The curtain opens and eyes search for family faces.

MePush sponsors special post-Christmas performance at BTE.

Let The Bloomsburg Daily help you find the perfect gadget for under the tree.

Have a look at the sights from the aassembly at the Bloomsburg Memorial Elementary School celebrating a national achievement.

The U.S. Department of Education named 304 schools, one of them Bloomsburg Memorial Elementary, as 2011 National Blue Ribbon Schools.

The Bloomsburg Daily’s photographer, Bob Rush, found his way into the Moose Exchange on Tuesday to catch a backstage glimpse of rehearsal for the one

One of the best parts of Christmas in Bloomsburg are the annual Christmas shows that our own Bloomsburg Theatre Ensemble puts on. BTE has a

It seems each year we start to see it a little earlier — sights of Christmas. Even well before Thanksgiving it happens in stores around