When The Bloomsburg Daily launched, we knew we wanted to focus on the needs of the community. Our first inclination was to provide a new voice that would address the news of our town in a positive manner. What we discovered was that we could not only provide good stories on a regular basis, but also solutions to common problems in town.
Most larger communities have a Craig’s List site that provides residents with an easy and free way to buy, sell, and barter items. After contacting craigslist.com we found that it takes nearly twice as many people locally to get Craig to bring his list to a town. So last weekend we launched our free Bloomsburg Daily Classifieds and at a week old, we already have some listings. The thing that is going to make this a success is you! The more you help us get the word out, the more listings we can share. Listings are free and remain open for 45 days. Anyone can easily create an account and a listing.
In addition, last weekend we met with a group of readers from the Bloomsburg area. One of the top things on all of their minds was an events system that could help the area know what was going on. Walking away from that meeting, we felt it was critical to provide a free and open events directory. With that in mind, last Sunday we launched the Bloomsburg Daily Events Calendar. For now you have to email your events to us, but in the very near future you will be able to log in and add your own events giving Bloomsburg a centralized place to share information about what is happening in our town.
That means the Town of Bloomsburg now has free classifieds and an events calendar that can be linked to, shared, and updated with ease. What are you waiting for? Add your listing to the classifieds or the event calendar now!