While the clean up from the 2011 Flood continues in Bloomsburg, it is helpful to once again alert everyone to the various needs and resources in town. The Bloomsburg Chapter of the American Red Cross has provided the following information. If you have additional items that would be helpful to include (or changes to the information), please email or comment below.
Give Blood
For information on the nearest donation time and place or to schedule a donation, please call 1‐800‐RED‐CROSS or 1‐800‐432‐8045.
Office on Aging Help
People over 60 may call 1-570-784‐9272 for flood‐related help. In addition, there is an office representative at the FEMA Center on 702 Sawmill Road.
Financial Help with Flood-Related Expenses
Please report your damage to home or business to both the following numbers or offices:
Columbia County Emergency Center at 1-570-389-5606 or 1-570-389-5665
FEMA National at 1-800-621-3362, or in person at 702 Sawmill Rd.
FEMA Center
The center is located at 702 Sawmill Road. Go there to apply for financial help. The office is open from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM. It might be helpful to call the FEMA number or visit their website first (below). The kind of help likely to be provided by FEMA includes 1) rental money for homeowners and renters, 2) grants to get working basic house systems (heating, refrig, sewage, water systems); and 3) low‐interest loans for home repair and personal property. For details on this and other kinds of help, see the FEMA and PEMA links on the following websites:
Flood-Related Unemployment Assistance
Applicants may file for Disaster Unemployment Assistance by calling toll free at 877-FILE DUA (877-345-3382), from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday and 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday. Individuals using a text telephone (TTY) may call toll free at 888-334-4046. Click here for more information.
Small Business Association Loans
See the SBA representative at the FEMA Center, 702 Sawmill Road.
Utility Bills Assistance
The Salvation Army may provide help. Please call 1-570-387‐4112 or try Human Services at 1-570-387‐6501.
To find replacement housing to purchase or rent for flood victims, call 1‐ 877‐428‐8844 or on the web go to www.PAHousingSearch.com. First Columbia Bank is providing low‐interest loans.
Heating or Fuel Leaks
Please call the Department of Environmental Protection at 1-570-327‐3636.
Electrical Damage
For reports of electrical damage, please call PP&L at 1‐800‐342‐5775.
Free Carpeting
Bloomsburg Carpet Industries may be providing carpet to those in need.
Legal Resources
Please call 1‐877‐861‐8589.
Well Testing Kits
Available from FEMA at 702 Sawmill Road.
Pastoral Counseling
Counseling is available from the following pastors regardless of affiliation:
- Maggie Gillespie, Campus Ministry, 1-570-854‐1117
- Doug Lyon, Shiloh Bible Church, 1-570-336‐6766 or 1-570-784‐3667
- Jeff Bohan, St. Luke’s, 1-570-784‐5035
- Jenn Parks‐Snyder, 1-570-784‐9271 or 1-570-784‐5165
- Jane O’Borski, Wesley Methodist, 1-570-784‐1407 or 1-570-784‐3251
- Joel Zeiders, 1-570-784‐4515
- Terry Brosius, 1-570-387‐0140 or 1-570-389‐1282
- Jay Jones, 1-570-784‐1407 or 1-814‐592‐5355
Donations of Money or Other Items and Volunteer Workers
Send or bring cash or checks to:
- Bloomsburg Red Cross
119 E. 7th St., Bloomsburg, PA 17815
Please make payable to “American Red Cross Disaster Relief” and include the memo line: Bloomsburg Chapter - Agape, 19 E. 7th St., Bloomsburg, PA 17815 Memo line : Flood relief
- Central Susquehanna Community Foundation, 725 Front St., Berwick 18603 Memo line: “Disaster Relief Fund for Susquehanna Valley”
- Columbia Mall, at Mall Services Office
- Salvation Army, 320 E. 2nd St. Berwick 18603
*It is not possible to donate online to the Red Cross from another area and have it designated for flood relief in this area. Nor is it possible to donate by telephone. Donors are asked to send checks to the local office.
Important Information and Numbers
- Agape 1-570-317‐2210 http://www.agapelovefromabove.org/
- Bloomsburg Flood Hotline 1-570-784‐6779
- Columbia County 1-570-389‐5728
- National FEMA number 1‐800‐621‐3362
- Local PEMA numbers 1-570-389‐5606, 1-570-389‐5665 , 1-570-389‐5720
- Hemlock Township 1-570-784‐6178; 1-570-336‐7297
- No. Col. County Cultural Center 1-570-925‐0163
- Bloomsburg Red Cross 1-570-784‐1395
- Scott Township listen to WHLM
- St. Repres. David Millard : flood‐related 1-570-387‐0246, or visit 240 Market St.
- St. Sen. John Gordner : flood‐related 1-570-784‐3464
- Salvation Army 1-570-387‐4112; 1-570-759‐1214
- St.Luke’s 1-570-784-5035
- Agape at Moose Exchange 862‐812‐9855 (Hours 1-6pm on Monday and Thursday and 10-2pm on Saturday)
Columbia County Emergency Management Agency
www.columbiacountyema.org has the following information:
- Food and Water Safety During Floods
- Disinfecting Private Wells
- Safety tips for dealing with flooded property
- American Red Cross Flood Survival Guide
- Health Threats from Flood Waters
Thanks for publishing this info in one convenient location!
Very helpful. Great to have all this in one spot.